Thursday, January 7, 2010

Christians what do you think about Paul Washers shocking Message?


I have seen this teaching.

Paul Washer is a great preacher and any born again believer should turn off their televisions, put down their idols and make the time to watch his message. He reminds me of Paul in the Bible and what I imagine his preaching would have been like to witness first hand.

If you like Paul Washer, you'll like his pastor Jeff Noblit's preaching...…Christians what do you think about Paul Washers shocking Message?
God always gives a way out. He has designed the universe so that his Sons will return to Him. To do otherwise would not be what a father does. So an eternity in hell is an illusion.

But the idea that we are saved by saying some words is also an illusion, so he is right on that account. We are saved because we are Sons of God and that will never change.

We will all go through the narrow gate, but it is a matter of time. He is not talking to dead men as he starts off his talk. When we see ourselves as dead, we cannot see ourselves as God's eternal children. It isn't fear of hell that brings people to love and peace, it's love of each other and gratitude for the chance to love.Christians what do you think about Paul Washers shocking Message?
I watched all of the 58:58 minutes. If all who claimed to be Christians in the USA were really Christians, this would be a different country.

I am going to go back to the site and watch some of the shorter videos, like Joel Osteen vs Paul Washer.
At My Home PC all I have is a Dail up Modem, It would take days to download it for me to watch,

I will have to wait till I get to work and watch it from the workplace PC or at least download it to a flash drive and bring it home, I'll let ya know then.
I'm not Christian, I didn't watch the video, but I skimmed this site:…

He sounds like a typical meglomaniac preacher who's full of himself.
Totally dumbed down for special American christians.
Love it and Love him and his message. He is a true christian from what I can see.
Sorry but that video is 58 minutes long. Don't have the time to watch it! Blessings!
You think we're going to sit here and watch something an hour long? Why not try to summarize what he said and ask.
I don't know who he is. The bible teaches about fanatics, so I don't want to know.
I don't know who this guy is,but I think NewlyBorn gave a really good answer.
I think that he is all wet...!

Very dishonest, indeed...

According to the Bible writers, ONE SUREST SIGN of Jesus coming back and the Rapture™ is the slaughter of innocent children in the end of days! Practically all the Clergy and Preachers explain away this gross fact in the Bible… The Bible writers made it into a pattern that before any major event in Bible stories innocent children get slaughtered right and left! This is a primitive trick to scare the heck out of religious people into catching their attention! They wrote that when Israel was liberated from Egypt (there is not a trace of historical evidence that the Jews were slaves in Egypt!) God had ALL the innocent first born children of Egyptian parents slaughtered on the spot without any mercy! When Jesus was born in Judea ALL the innocent male children 2 years of age and under got slaughtered in a way that not even God the Holy Ghost was able to comfort the grieving mothers! It was a massacre of humongous proportions unlike Hitler’s holocausting the Jews! (Mat 2:18) So it will be when Jesus comes back a lot of the wrong Churches will loose ALL their CHILDREN… The Jewish Messiah Jesus will have them slaughtered not in Iraq, but in the Churches! Christians are brainwashed into believing that Jesus doesn’t do that! As far as sadistic religions go not even Islam can match Christianity! It is all in the Bible! Now Christianity survives picking on new “sins” like abortion, equal sex marriages, stem cell research and so on. Even the newly elect President Obama honors the Most Reverend Pastor Dick Warren damning gays, equal sex marriage and so on! In fact, soon the Clergy will visit Obama to force him to comply with their whims, or else he won’t be re-elected!

Revelation 2:23 (NIV) (Jesus says in his apocalyptic REVELATION NOW for the last days) “I WILL STRIKE HER CHILDREN DEAD”* (*Abortionists deal only with the fetus when necessary so they can’t beat Jesus at killing babies! Jesus is doing the killing of the innocent children to announce his expected return and at the same time teach everybody a lesson on WHO IS THE BOSS! In our society today Christians are very selective in what they preach and believe from the Bible! Their political “PRO-LIFE” stand is only an attempt to dissociate from this kind of Jesus’ REVELATION…!) Then ALL THE CHURCHES WILL KNOW* (*Bully Mafia talk) that I am he who searches hearts and minds, and I will repay each of you according to your deeds.

I’m the BOSS says Jesus Christ the LORD and I take it on the kids in the Churches! This make believe Bible Jesus is promoting the killing of children of the wrong Christian brand to set an EXAMPLE! All Christian brands claim to be “the true one!” Jesus infanticide mania comes from way back when the Jewish Bible writers had God the Father highly favoring anyone killing the innocent children of his enemies!

Psalm 137:8-9 (NIV) O Daughter of Babylon, doomed to destruction, happy is he who repays you for what you have done to us* (*Israel) --he who seizes your infants and dashes them against the rocks.

That is why even Jesus Christ knows that the enemies of TRUE Christianity (whatever that is) ought to be killed in their infancy when it is easier to get rid of them! In Bible times hardly anybody practiced abortions because it was easier and much safer to “dash the infants against the rocks” after they are born than having them aborted like the Bible writers suggest and the infallible King James Version of the Bible confirms! Unwanted children were put out without any accountability to anybody right after they were born like it was done in Egypt to the willing Hebrew ladies. Christianity is not much of a civilized religion at all! The preachers will tell you that God’s behavior with the Jews was uncivilized because the heart of the Jews was like a stone hard, and so on… We are much more civilized so we go by the “grace of God”…!

Luke 19:27 (NIV) (Jesus is very excited telling this story… most Christians prefer to ignore, although the Christian Clergy loves it!) But those enemies of mine who did not want me to be king over them–bring them here and kill them in front of me.

I'm telling you what the HOLY BIBLE writers say...!!! ESPECIALLY IN THE NEW TESTAMENT… that is strongly believed in Christianity today...!!!!

The Bible writers made Christianity into a very violent religion. “Turning the other cheek” is a joke! They have Jesus suggesting the slaughter by drowning of anybody causing a Christian who is a moron in the Faith to stumble (Mat 18:6)… The shedding of body parts to make it into the Fairy Kingdom of Heaven! (Mat 5:29-30), INCLUDING male castration (Mat 19:12). The carving out of the female clitoris today is still widely done by the local butchers and practiced almost exclusively in Islam! Christian ladies in America are very lucky! BTW virginity and male castration is forbidden in God’s Law “Be fruitful and multiply,” but what the heck! Nunnery stuff is a Heathen sourced idea of the Early Church Fathers. Most Christians today don’t pay attention to Jesus’ gory suggestions, but throughout history many Christians got castrated for the “Kingdom Sake.” See Wikipedia “castration”. Christians are very gullible and willing to do anything that their preachers tell them. Christianity survives today only because it is disregarding most of the most primitive and uncivilized pronouncements of the Early Church Fathers. Now the Clergy promote the be good, get well, get rich quick, pay your tithes and offerings on time and when you die you go to Heaven to be with Jesus! In fact, Christians are promised that at the moment that they will see Jesus they will be transformed to be like HIM!!! Like this children killing JESUS! Please give me a break!

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