Thursday, December 24, 2009

Volume of the solid question using the washer method?

A ball of radius 14 has a round hole of radius 9 drilled through its center. Find the volume of the resulting solid.

I know I have to use the washer method on this problem, but without any equation I'm not sure what I'm supposed to do.

Any help would be appreciated, thank you!Volume of the solid question using the washer method?
ball's equation : x^2 + y^2 = 14^2

hole's (i strongly suspect is the cylindric, but not really one) equation : x (or y) = 9

Volume of the solid question using the washer method?
Recall the volume of the sphere: V = (4/3)蟺R^3

Volume of the ball: V1 = (4/3)蟺14^3

Volume of the hole: V2 = V = (4/3)蟺9^3

Volume of the resulting solid: V1 -V2 = V = (4/3)蟺[14^3 - 9^3]

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